Requirements for Completion of the Minor in Italian:

Complete 20 or 21 credits from the following:  

1. All of the following courses (17 credits):  

ITL 201  Second-Year Italian I 
ITL 202  Second-Year Italian II 
ITL 320  Advanced Grammar and Composition 
ITL 330  Italian Culture and Civilization 
ITL 350  Introduction to Italian Literature 

2. One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits):  

*IAH 209  Art, the Visual, and Culture (D) 
*IAH 241C  Creative Arts and Humanities: Global Cultural and Artistic Traditions (I) 
ITL 250  Topics in Italian Cultures for English Speakers 
*ITL 400  Reading Italian
*ITL 490  Independent Study  1-4 
*ROM 355  French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish Cinema

*Students must obtain approval from the Department of Romance and Classical Studies prior to enrollment in ROM 355, ITL 400, ITL 490, IAH 241C, and IAH 209. ITL 400 is only offered in the summer semester every three years. The IAH courses listed here are offered only as part of the education abroad program in Ferrara, Italy.  

To add or drop a minor, please complete the request form at the link below. Changes will be processed by the department and reflected in your student records

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