In cooperation with Romance and Classical Studies professors Alejandra Márquez and Silvina Bongiovanni, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at MSU is hosting the Inclusive Spanish Series of talks.
This series of 3 events will explore the development and use of inclusive language in Latin America, focusing on local debates, steps being taken, challenges, and ideas emerging from different Spanish speaking countries.
The three events are listed below, and more information will be forthcoming for each:
Talk 1

- Santiago Kalinowski
- November 4th, 5pm
- –Talk is in Spanish–
- Title: “La intervención conocida como “lenguaje inclusivo”: recurso retórico-discursivo de varias luchas.”
- Join invited speaker Santiago Kalinowski on Wednesday, Nov 4, 5:00 PM (EST) for a discussion on inclusive language. Dr. Kalinowski, is a faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Letters at University of Buenos Aires and the Director of the Linguistics and Philological Research Department at Academia Argentina de Letras. His work focuses primarily on lexicography, corpus linguistics and language dissemination. This event will be in Spanish.
Talk 2

- Plaqueta (Tamara de Anda)
- November 5th, 5pm
- –Talk is in Spanish–
- Title: “El genérico masculino nos incluye a todos… no, espera, a ti no.”
- Join invited speaker Tamara De Anda Prieto, also known as Plaqueta on Thursday, Nov 5, 5:00 PM (EST). Tamara is a journalist, feminist and activist. She participates in the feminist comedy collective “Standuperras”. She is the co-author of the books #AmigaDateCuenta (2018) and #TuBarrioTeRespalda (2020). This event will be in Spanish.
Talk 3

Ártemis López
–Talk is in English–
Title: “When they woke up, their génerx was still there”
Invited speaker Ártemis López (they/elle) is a PhD candidate in Linguistics at the Universidade de Vigo. Ártemis will review the current linguistic strategies for non-binary Spanish and will discuss different ways these same strategies lend themselves to linguistic activism.