Information for Faculty Members

Department of Romance and Classical Studies Bylaws

(Revised 12/10/10; 05/02/14; 09/15/17; 05/02/22; 5/14/24)

RCS Bylaws Rev. May 14th, 2024

Designation B is available to instructors who have brought and are deemed likely to bring exceptional value to RCS programs through the quality of their teaching and other contributions. If approved, Designation B status would provide a three year appointment for the UNTF teaching portion of the assignment.  UNTF bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for Designation B are invited to submit documentation that demonstrates that they meet the following criteria. Documentation should be submitted to the Department’s HR Functional Team liaison named on the RCS Staff contact page.  Applications for fall review are due on or before September 30. Spring applicatinos are due by the first week of February. Applicants should provide:

  •  A detailed statement of teaching philosophy that exemplifies how this philosophy is applied in the classroom and why it constitutes an innovative and effective teaching strategy;
  • Consistently superior student evaluations;
  • Detailed course syllabi that demonstrate course development and highlight innovative aspects of the applicant’s teaching methodology and any original contributions made to the planning of the course;
  • Consistently positive classroom observations;
  • Evidence of participation in teaching-related professional development activities such as MSU  CeLTA workshops;
  • Current CV with evidence of teaching and related professional activities that may include: undergraduate and graduate teaching, methods of assessment, participation in high-impact co-curricular activities, honors options, undergraduate and graduate committees; academic advising or coordination; study abroad and other areas identified by the department.

For card-swipe access to a building, lab or room fill out the Swipe Access Request: 

Swipe Access Request

Office Operations will work with DPPS to accommodate your request. To complete the request be prepared to specify:

  • Your ID badge number,
  • The building name and room number you wish to access,
  • Any after-hours access (after 8:00 pm and/or weekend building
  • A valid, business purpose for access.

Please request only the rooms you need to access. College staff vet requests and do not automatically grant it. Processing can take up to 48 hours.

For hard-key access, contact an Office Operations representative or e-mail

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