The Department of Romance and Classical Studies is very pleased to announce and celebrate the latest installment of Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (REGS), Vol. 46, Issues 1-2. This double issue of REGS includes 11 essays, 2 interviews, 8 book reviews, and two pieces of creative works (short fiction and ekphrastic poetry). It also represents a very special anniversary of the journal, marking the completion of 45 years of exemplary research that studies gender and sexualities in the Luso-Hispanic textual and cultural production since medieval times to the present.
REGS came to Michigan State University in January 2020 thanks to the support of our department, the College of Arts & Letters and MSU Press. The recently published Vol. 46 joins the two issues of Vol. 45 (2019) that were also published this year. As Dr. Rocío Quispe-Agnoli, Dr. Ana Corbalán, and Dr. Vinodh Venkatesh explain in the preface of this volume, REGS ( previously known as Letras Femininas) and its supporting organization, the Asociacíon de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, have been and continue to be one of the first academic platforms to dedicate itself solely to the study of gender, sexualities, feminist critique, and artistic creation within the context of Hispanic and Lusophone literatures and cultures. As they explain:
“Asumir la dirección de una revista académica de larga vida y prestigio como la nuestra provee la oportunidad de participar en conversaciones enriquecedoras y reflexiones acerca de nuestros campos. Ofrece también la oportunidad de dialogar acerca de las realidades dinámicas que estudiamos en la producción textual y cultural de escritores/as y artistas así como las representaciones y lecturas de género y sexualidades en el mundo lusohispánico a lo largo de más de ocho siglos” (Quispe-Agnoli, Corbalán & Venkatesh viii).
REGS can be found on its portal page, on the Michigan State University Press website, on JSTOR, and on the Department of Romance and Classical Studies Website. In addition, it has been highlighted on the MSU Press Podcast, the episode for which is available online. The next number of REGS (47.1) is forthcoming in June 2021 with a monographic dossier on “(Un)limited Gender and Luso-Hispanic Cinema.”