FRN450: Dreams of Freedom in Color – Cultures of the Francosphere

FS24 TR 10:20 – 11:40, 3 cr

In this incarnation of FRN 450 Perspectives in the Cultures of the Francosphere, Prof. Safoi Babana-Hampton will lead you in an exploration of diverse artistic expressions, cinematic images and autobiographical narratives of freedom in contemporary France. Though the course focus is on contemporary France, its perspectives are informed by communities of women with ties to the Maghreb, Asia and continental communities of color. Some of the questions driving the class’ inquiry are:

  • How do Asian-French, Maghrebi-French and black-French women express and embody female empowerment and resistance?
  • Through what artistic & cultural platforms do Asian-French, Maghrebi-French and black-French women visualize freedom?
  • What inspires their dreams of freedom and emancipatory visions?
  • How are their work shaping conversations about gender justice, equal rights and inclusivity in France?

For more specific information, contact Prof. Babana-Hampton at For help enrolling, contact Jennifer Gansler at