SPN491: Race, Sexual Identity, and Gender in Contemporary Latin America

FS24, 3cr, online (asynchronous)

In this course, guided by Prof. Danny Méndez, you will delve into the representation of sex, sexuality, gender, race, and national identities in contemporary Latin American literature and audiovisual media. The aim is to understand that these concepts are not fixed. You will critically analyze works from a variety of literary genres including poetry, essays, short stories, novels, as well as films and music videos in order to explore how literature and media shape our understanding of desire, sexuality, gender roles, and race. Discover the power of these works of art to impact people in society and to disseminate a variety of ideas and perspectives about Latin American culture to the public.

For more details, contact Prof. Danny Méndez at mendezda@msu.edu. For help enrolling, contact Jennifer Gansler (gansler@msu.edu).