Requirements for Completion of the Major in French:

The Bachelor of Arts degree in French, like all Bachelor’s degrees described in the Undergraduate Education section of the MSU Catalog, requires a minimum of 120 credits, including general elective credits. The University’s Tier II writing requirement for the French major is met by completing French 320 or 340.

French major requirements are as follows:

The following French courses (30 to 40 credits): 

All of following courses (15 credits):

  • FRN 310 – Stepping into the 20th Century and Beyond, 3
  • FRN 320 – Exploring Diversity and Minorities in the Francosphere, 3
  • FRN 330 – Progressing in French Pronunciation, 3
  • FRN 340 – Connecting with the Literatures of the Francosphere, 3
  • FRN 350 – Connecting with the Cultures of the Francosphere, 3

Note: FRN 391 Special Topics in Study Abroad may substitute for one of the 300-level required courses.       

An additional 15 credits from the following:          

  • FRN 420 – French for Professional Uses, 3
  • FRN 430 – Perspectives in the French Language, 3
  • FRN 440 – Perspectives in Literature and the Arts of the Francosphere, 3
  • FRN 450 – Perspectives in the Cultures of the Francosphere, 3
  • FRN 491 – Special Topics in Study Abroad, 3

A maximum of 9 credits may be earned in each of these 400-level courses.

A minimum grade point average of at least 2.0 in the major is required.

French Primary majors must also complete:

  • One cognate of 15 credits. The courses in the cognate shall be in a single discipline or thematic area with at least one 300-400 level course. The cognate allows students to explore other areas of interest that support their creative and career goals. An additional major or a minor can be used to fulfill this requirement. The CAL major advisor must approve the cognate. Cognates for additional majors and 2nd BA students are met through their primary degree course work. 

  • A minimum of 3 credits in one of the following experiential education options through an associated course approved by the College: internship, service/community engaged service learning experience, undergraduate research or creative project directed by a faculty member, a study abroad program, or a study away program.

Note: Students interested in attaining certification to teach French must apply separately for admission to the College of Education’s Teacher Certification program. Applications are available at the Department of Education Student Affairs Office, located in 134 Erickson Hall. Acceptance into the program is necessary for admission into the required Education courses.

Schedule to meet the RCS academic advisor to add a French major.

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