A dedicated group of RCS students are busily laying the foundations for La Casa, a new inclusive, on-campus Living, Learning Community (LLC) for MSU students. The initiative is aimed at all students interested in the Spanish language and in the cultures of Spanish-speaking communities—it will not be limited to Spanish majors and minors. La Casa –opening fall, 2025– will combine an immersive Spanish-speaking living space with student-led and focused activities, from research initiatives to events focusing on the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities.
La Casa’s student board anticipates finalizing which campus residence hall will house the new community soon. Since members will be in MSU housing, they can expect the same features other on-campus residents do, such as fees, services, application deadlines and accessibility.

As faculty adviser Jennifer Gansler notes, one thing that distinguishes La Casa from other MSU Living / Learning communities (LLCs) “is that it is being created entirely from the ground up by students”. That’s why, though La Casa’s living space will open its doors for the fall semester of 2025, you will see La Casa organizers on campus long before then at community-building and promotional events. The board members—Abby Cooper, Korey Deans, Ana Dunfee and Karissa Zárate—are applying their dedication to the project as well as skills they have honed through previous student service and organizing. Korey has collaborated with MSU’s College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), for example, and Karissa’s work sustained Culturas de las Razas Unidas’ (CRU’s) Día de la Mujer.
Unlike other LLCs [Living, Learning Communities], which are developed by faculty and staff before students are recruited to join, La Casa is a student-led initiative from start to finish. I’m incredibly proud of the work these students are doing.
Jennifer Gansler, Faculty Adviser
Interested students will be able to opt in—no prior Spanish experience is required. All you need to join La Casa is enthusiasm for learning Spanish.
For more information, follow La Casa on Instagram (@lacasamsu) or e-mail the Board at LacasaLLC@msu.edu.