Call for Papers: Redefining the Middle Ages

The Medieval Studies Student Association at the University of New Mexico is hosting a virtual graduate student conference, titled "Redefining the Middle Ages." Proposals are due to by November…

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EVENT: “An Introduction to Accessible and Inclusive Teaching” Facilitated by Caitlin Cornell

After this session, participants will be able to draw upon current terminology to refer to disabled learners/learners with disabilities, explain the premise of Universal Design for Learning, consult various general…

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EVENT: The Inaugural Interlingual Translation & Interpretation (IITI) Workshop Series 2020-2021 at Michigan State University.
From the IITI Workshop Series Flyer, 2020-2021

EVENT: The Inaugural Interlingual Translation & Interpretation (IITI) Workshop Series 2020-2021 at Michigan State University.

IITI Workshop Series Flyer, 2020-2021Download MSU has organized a series of three workshops in FS20 and a MSU Faculty Roundtable in SS21 on the translation & interpreting field. Each workshop…

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UNC’s Latina/o Studies Program Presents the “Health, Environment, and LatinX Experiences” Graduate Symposium

Beginning today (September 9th, 2020) Latina/o Studies Program at UNC is presenting the "Health, Environment, and LatinX Experiences" Graduate Symposium. This is an excellent opportunity for faculty and students to…

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Edition and Translation of “Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve: Beauty and the Beast: The Original story” by Professor Aurora Wolfgang

In 2020, Prof. Aurora Wolfgang published her edition and translation of "Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve: Beauty and the Beast: The Original story" in the series "The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto…

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