Romance and Classical Studies Celebrates  Grace Koepele on Acceptance of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Italy
Grace Koepele

Romance and Classical Studies Celebrates Grace Koepele on Acceptance of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Italy

Grace Koepele The Department of Romance and Classical Studies is very pleased to celebrate Grace Koepele, recent MSU graduate and student of the Italian Program in RCS, for their acceptance…

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The Inclusive Spanish Series: A collaboration of RCS professors and CLACS

In cooperation with Romance and Classical Studies professors Alejandra Márquez and Silvina Bongiovanni, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at MSU is hosting the Inclusive Spanish Series…

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MSU Launches the Circles of Success Mentoring Program, Seeks to Support Students in Challenging Times

Michigan State University has launched its new Circles of Success Mentoring Program, seeking to support our students in these especially challenging times. The purpose of Circles of Success is to…

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