The Inclusive Spanish Series: A collaboration of RCS professors and CLACS

In cooperation with Romance and Classical Studies professors Alejandra Márquez and Silvina Bongiovanni, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at MSU is hosting the Inclusive Spanish Series…

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WORKSHOP SERIES: Responsible Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RCRSCA).

Responsible Conduct of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RCRSCA): Workshop Series  This workshop series is intended to support the efforts of departments and graduate programs in fostering responsible research/scholarly practices.…

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EVENT: Latinx at the Crossroads: Cultural Maps of a New American World

“Latinx at the Crossroads: Cultural Maps of a New American World” Featuring David Carrasco (Neil L. Rudenstine Professor of the Study of Latin America), a Mexican American historian of religions…

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Hispanic Heritage Month is Being Celebrated September 15th – October 15th.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15 to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States of America. Here…

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Call for Papers: Redefining the Middle Ages

The Medieval Studies Student Association at the University of New Mexico is hosting a virtual graduate student conference, titled "Redefining the Middle Ages." Proposals are due to by November…

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EVENT: “An Introduction to Accessible and Inclusive Teaching” Facilitated by Caitlin Cornell

After this session, participants will be able to draw upon current terminology to refer to disabled learners/learners with disabilities, explain the premise of Universal Design for Learning, consult various general…

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UNC’s Latina/o Studies Program Presents the “Health, Environment, and LatinX Experiences” Graduate Symposium

Beginning today (September 9th, 2020) Latina/o Studies Program at UNC is presenting the "Health, Environment, and LatinX Experiences" Graduate Symposium. This is an excellent opportunity for faculty and students to…

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