EVENT 9/22/21: Tips and Tricks for Incoming Graduate Students in Languages and Linguistics
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EVENT 9/22/21: Tips and Tricks for Incoming Graduate Students in Languages and Linguistics

 Tips and tricks for incoming graduate students in languages and linguistics September 22, 2pm EST Free Zoom event (registration required) Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsf--sqjMtGdc1_iyecPWL70bEArd9TPSt PhD student Leonardo Guédez (Michigan State University, Second Language Studies) will be…

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Alumnus Wins Hearst National Championship First-Place Award

Joe Freihofer, an MSU alumnus with dual degrees in Journalism and Spanish, recently received first place in the National Television Broadcast News Category of the Hearst National Championship for his video, Sandy Sings On, which tells the story of a Nashville business owner whose store was destroyed during the 2nd Avenue Christmas day bombing in 2020. 

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