Boehm Awarded Grant to Develop “Our Knotted Gun” Documentary

RCS Spanish Professor Scott Boehm and Peter Johnston (Film Studies), were awarded a Large-scale Development Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) grant to film the new feature-length documentary Our Knotted…

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Prof. Safoi Babana-Hampton Releases Film Trailer

Safoi Babana-Hampton, Professor of French at RCS, recently released the official trailer of her HARP Large-Scale Development grant-funded documentary feature "Chœurs atlantiques" (Tales from the Atlantic Beyond). Public release of the…

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Film Festival Shines Spotlight on Latinx Culture and Global Issues

The MSU Latinx Film Festival (LxFF) is returning this year after a four-year pandemic-induced hiatus. Scheduled for Feb. 15-18 at several different venues across the Michigan State University campus and in the Lansing and East Lansing communities, the 2024 festival will continue its tradition of screening ground-breaking independent cinema from Latin America, Spain, and the United States while shining a cinematic light on various social issues.

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