The Italian Language Foundation has awarded an Enrico Fermi fellowship to RCS second-year premedical student Joeeanna Berdeski. The scholarship is awarded to outstanding students enrolled both in Italian language and science or math classes. In addition to a professor’s recommendation, fellows must show proof of participation in community service. In recognition of her qualifications, Berdeski will receive $1,000 per semester in the 2024 – 2025 academic year. The fellowship is renewable for up to three years.

Joeeanna is majoring in physiology and minoring in Italian. She started studying Italian her first semester of college not only to learn the language but to pay homage to her heritage. Learning Italian has allowed her to connect with other students with a similar passion for Italian heritage, language and culture. Joeeanna says she looks forward to using her Italian to interact and communicate with Italians in general, especially patients in her future medical career who may speak Italian as their first language. Her goals express perfectly the purpose of the Italian Language Foundation (ILF), established in 2008, to promote and sustain Italian language education in the United States.

Apart from the generous financial support, being awarded a Fermi Fellowship is a highly selective honor. Joeeanna is thankful for the guidance her MSU Italian professors have provided during her journey learning the Italian language and culture. She is proud to be involved in the Italian program at Michigan State University, which has allowed her to grow academically and connect with others who share the same passion.