Prof. Alejandra Márquez’s Article on The Conversation Explores ‘Emilia Pérez’ Backlash 

We are excited to highlight the latest work by Assistant Professor Alejandra Márquez Guajardo in The Conversation. Her recently published article, "Emilia Pérez was nominated for 13 Oscars – why do so…

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Afro-Caribbean Artists Reclaim Hidden Stories of Transatlantic Slave Trade in New Documentary by French Professor

For centuries, the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade have shaped the cultural, political, and historical narratives of the Francophone Afro-Caribbean world. Yet, many of these histories remained unspoken, fragmented,…

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RESCHEDULED Pre-Release Screening: Safoi Babana-Hampton’s “Choeurs Atlantiques”

This event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 4:30. As part of its Black History Month celebrations, the MSU community will get a sneak peek at Prof. Safoi…

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Several College Projects Supported by HARP Development and Production Awards

Projects by College of Arts & Letters faculty, ranging from a linguistic course, to traveling exhibitions, to books on a range of subjects, received support this year from Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development or Production Awards. Funding for these HARP Grants is provided, in part, through the Michigan State University Research Foundation.

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Historic North American MSU Graduate Student-Edited Journal Returns After Six-Year Hiatus

After a six-year hiatus, one of the longest-running graduate student-edited journals in Romance Studies in North America has returned. The publication, TROPOS, which was first published in 1971, is run entirely by graduate students in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University.

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