RESCHEDULED Pre-Release Screening: Safoi Babana-Hampton’s “Choeurs Atlantiques”

This event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 4:30. As part of its Black History Month celebrations, the MSU community will get a sneak peek at Prof. Safoi…

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Boehm Awarded Grant to Develop “Our Knotted Gun” Documentary

RCS Spanish Professor Scott Boehm and Peter Johnston (Film Studies), were awarded a Large-scale Development Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) grant to film the new feature-length documentary Our Knotted…

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MSU Video “Peruvian Speculative Fiction/Futurismo Peruano” Featured at Feria Internacional del Libro de Lima

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Peru, but the Andean country has a fascinating cultural scene centered on speculative fiction or…

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Senegalese Griot Performance and Workshop Sponsored by RCS and Hillsdale College
Griot Boubacar Dances with Workshop Participant

Senegalese Griot Performance and Workshop Sponsored by RCS and Hillsdale College

On October 18th, 2022, RCS hosted a 90-minute workshop in the Theater Building featuring Senegalese griot and writer Boubacar Ndiaye, and musicians Amath Ndiaye and Papa Dethialaw Mbaye. 34 students…

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Inaugural HARP Large-scale Development Grant Awarded to Documentary Filmmaker

Safoi Babana-Hampton, Professor of French and Francophone Studies in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies, is the first recipient of the Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) large-scale development grant. Presented for the first time in 2021, the $100,000 award is funded through MSU’s Office of Research and Innovation in support of faculty who are engaged in large-scale arts and humanities projects.

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