RESCHEDULED Pre-Release Screening: Safoi Babana-Hampton’s “Choeurs Atlantiques”

This event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 4:30. As part of its Black History Month celebrations, the MSU community will get a sneak peek at Prof. Safoi…

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Several College Projects Supported by HARP Development and Production Awards

Projects by College of Arts & Letters faculty, ranging from a linguistic course, to traveling exhibitions, to books on a range of subjects, received support this year from Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development or Production Awards. Funding for these HARP Grants is provided, in part, through the Michigan State University Research Foundation.

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Boehm Awarded Grant to Develop “Our Knotted Gun” Documentary

RCS Spanish Professor Scott Boehm and Peter Johnston (Film Studies), were awarded a Large-scale Development Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) grant to film the new feature-length documentary Our Knotted…

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Prof. Safoi Babana-Hampton Releases Film Trailer

Safoi Babana-Hampton, Professor of French at RCS, recently released the official trailer of her HARP Large-Scale Development grant-funded documentary feature "Chœurs atlantiques" (Tales from the Atlantic Beyond). Public release of the…

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MSU Albertine Cinémathèque French Film Festival to be Rescheduled for April

In the wake of last week’s tragic shooting at Michigan State University and due to this week’s inclement weather, the MSU Albertine Cinémathèque French Film Festival is being rescheduled for April. The new dates and times have yet to be determined. The College of Arts & Letters will announce the updated schedule once it is decided.

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