Afro-Caribbean Artists Reclaim Hidden Stories of Transatlantic Slave Trade in New Documentary by French Professor

For centuries, the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade have shaped the cultural, political, and historical narratives of the Francophone Afro-Caribbean world. Yet, many of these histories remained unspoken, fragmented,…

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RESCHEDULED Pre-Release Screening: Safoi Babana-Hampton’s “Choeurs Atlantiques”

This event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 4:30. As part of its Black History Month celebrations, the MSU community will get a sneak peek at Prof. Safoi…

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“Conversation” Starter: Prof. Alejandra Márquez on Americans Seeking Reproductive Health Services in Mexico

RCS Spanish professor Alejandra Márquez' timely article on Americans traveling to Mexico for reproductive health services will reach an estimated audience of over 13 million viewers. The article was published…

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Film Festival Shines Spotlight on Latinx Culture and Global Issues

The MSU Latinx Film Festival (LxFF) is returning this year after a four-year pandemic-induced hiatus. Scheduled for Feb. 15-18 at several different venues across the Michigan State University campus and in the Lansing and East Lansing communities, the 2024 festival will continue its tradition of screening ground-breaking independent cinema from Latin America, Spain, and the United States while shining a cinematic light on various social issues.

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