Afro-Caribbean Artists Reclaim Hidden Stories of Transatlantic Slave Trade in New Documentary by French Professor

For centuries, the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade have shaped the cultural, political, and historical narratives of the Francophone Afro-Caribbean world. Yet, many of these histories remained unspoken, fragmented,…

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Several College Projects Supported by HARP Development and Production Awards

Projects by College of Arts & Letters faculty, ranging from a linguistic course, to traveling exhibitions, to books on a range of subjects, received support this year from Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Development or Production Awards. Funding for these HARP Grants is provided, in part, through the Michigan State University Research Foundation.

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Graduate Student Vanessa Weller Explores Mysticism and Language in Her Latest Publication

The Department of Romance and Classical Studies is proud to celebrate Vanessa Weller, a third-year PhD student in French and Francophone Studies, for her recent publication. Vanessa’s paper, originally presented…

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Now In Print: Bongiovanni Study Offers Novel Sociolinguistic Approach

The Department of Romance and Classical Studies congratulates Prof. Silvina Bongiovanni for publishing her recent article, "Accounting for effects of monitored speech: vowel nasalization, nasal consonant weakening and /s/ production…

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Driver Article Spotlights Heritage Teachers of Language

The Department of Romance and Classical Studies congratulates Dr. Meagan Driver on the publication of her recent article, "‘Mentor, friend, teacher, and learner’: The beauty, opportunities, and challenges of heritage…

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Boehm Awarded Grant to Develop “Our Knotted Gun” Documentary

RCS Spanish Professor Scott Boehm and Peter Johnston (Film Studies), were awarded a Large-scale Development Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) grant to film the new feature-length documentary Our Knotted…

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“Conversation” Starter: Prof. Alejandra Márquez on Americans Seeking Reproductive Health Services in Mexico

RCS Spanish professor Alejandra Márquez' timely article on Americans traveling to Mexico for reproductive health services will reach an estimated audience of over 13 million viewers. The article was published…

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MSU Video “Peruvian Speculative Fiction/Futurismo Peruano” Featured at Feria Internacional del Libro de Lima

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Peru, but the Andean country has a fascinating cultural scene centered on speculative fiction or…

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